First and foremost, in Norway (because everyone knows it is just a small Swedish province), you can experience EkoBrottsMyndigheten play live tomorrow, on Xelabration 2009, among with 3 other bands. Although it's a very short notice in case you live in Norway and haven't heard of this before, old school EBM events are extremely rare here, so don't miss this chance.

Moving on, the second volume of the legendary Swedish Oldschool EBM EP is released on 7th November, once again featuring the fantastic cover art. The new EP will feature Kropp (Vad SKall Du Ha På Dig Ikväll), SPARK! (Ett Lejon i Dig), T.W.A.T. (Battleground), and Container 90 (Two Thousand and Nine). The release itself will take place on a Swedish old school ebm festival in Stockholm, which will consist of a long and great night with live performances from Body Pleasure, KROPP, SPARK!, and EkoBrottsMyndigheten. This night will also see the EP release from Body Pleasure.
It doesn't end there. T.W.A.T. is soon finishing their debut album with the awesome title "Blood, Sweat & Teargas", which will probably be released both as a physical collector's item as well as online. Watch this blog for more information: soon an interview with this unique Oi! inspired old school ebm project will appear.
Later this year will also see the release of the first demo from Stockholm Wrecking Crew and the debut album from Hatbrott, which is released as soon as next week. View this link for information!