T.W.A.T. emerged as one of the most unique projects last year, mixing oi and oldschool ebm styles, which led to very catchy and fresh results! EBM has always been to some level influenced by punk music through origins of Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft and Nitzer Ebb, and this influence is present in most modern bands as well. However, T.W.A.T. is an entirely different case, because the Oi influence (which is unique from typical punk) stands out very strongly in their music - which results in an entirely outstanding mix. T.W.A.T. is the very first band to go in this direction, and is doing so with great success: listen for yourself on their Myspace. Their first full-length album is coming up soon, and they are one of the first bands to be confirmed for the legendary Familientreffen festival this summer, so for that occasion it dawned on us that it would be fitting with an interview..
1TJ: How did T.W.A.T start, what motivated you, and how did you come up with this unique mix of oi and ebm styles?
Martin: T.W.A.T. started with me (Martin Sax) wanting to bring together the best of my two favourite genres, EBM and Oi Punk, and make melodic EBM with some twists and in-your-face lyrics. My own views in different political and social questions often shine through in T.W.A.T.s lyrics as well.
I was already involved with the projects EkoBrottsMyndigheten and PROTOTYP, but none of those projects were right for the music-style I was after.
I made the song “Battleground” and uploaded it to Myspace. The response was fantastic and I knew I had found a style that was something a little different and that appealed to people.
1TJ: What music do you listen to in general?
Martin: I listen to a lot! Punk, Rock and different electronic genres, but I mainly listen to EBM and Oi. Lyrics-wise I have always been impressed with the storytelling of Nick Cave and I think that sometimes shows in my lyrics as well. The ability to write good refrains is what makes most of my favourite bands special.
1TJ: What are the lyrical themes in your music?

Martin: Everything and anything! Everything that passes through my brain and anything that pisses me off makes for good lyrics-material. Often it’s about the life and situation of the working class and the problems and troubles we have to live through every day.
1TJ: There is a new album coming soon: tell about it?
Martin: It will be great! I’m sure that everyone who liked what we’ve done so far will be more than satisfied. It will contain the best of the demo tracks in new versions and some new songs as well. We are wrapping it up right now and hopefully it will be ready for you to enjoy in spring 2010. It will be titled “Blood, Sweat & Teargas”.
1TJ: How was the live experience in Leipzig earlier last year?
Martin: It was the best welcome ever! Mary S. Sax (musician and back vocalist) joined up with T.W.A.T. before the Leipzig-concert and is now a constant member of the band. We weren’t expecting anything as it was our first gig, but the place was packed with people and everyone was dancing like crazy and knew the lyrics and sang along. It was just great! Both Mary and I were totally ecstatic afterwards.

1TJ: What are your general future plans for T.W.A.T.?
Martin: I just want to continue writing good songs and keep getting better and better at doing that. Hopefully we will also get to play live a lot more! That’s perhaps the best part of making music and having a band. The feeling is amazing.
1TJ: You have released all your music for free download for everyone so far. Very few bands do this nowadays, so what motivated you to do it?
Martin: I’m not doing this for the money. I think our music should be for everyone to enjoy, not just people who can afford to buy it. So the full album will be available for free download for everyone and on CD as a collectors-item.
1TJ: Do the letters in T.W.A.T. stand for something in particular?
Martin: Yes, but that is a huge secret, and if I told you - I would have to kill you!

As Eine Tasse Jäger dispatches spies to interrogate T.W.A.T. for the meaning of these letters, look out for future updates on the details about the new album! Check their official homepage for discography, lyrics, videos and free song downloads!