And I did. From the roof of a building with this logo on it. In Sweden, of course. I was drunk (guess on what), so I fell through the chimney and landed on a box with this logo on it. It said "dangerous materials inside, do not open". As good electro hooligan that I am, of course I opened it.
On the inside I found an envelope, with confidential information. I stole the whole SHEBANG and later when I opened it, I found secrets about the new EkoBrottsMyndigheten album.
Tracklist is as follows:
001 - ...och köper öl
002 - Extremsport
003 - Kängdans (feat. B.B) [3-edit]
004 - Jimmy
005 - Eine Tasse Jäger
006 - Noch ein Tasse jäger [3-edit]
007 - Dolph
008 - Lördag
009 - Nu blåser vi snuten
010 - Steam & Heat
011 - Get your fists up [3-edit]
012 - Sminkad som en idiot
and also...
013 - Män av stål [3-edit]
014 - Marines
015 - Totally EJBEÄM
016 - Ung rebell [3-edit]
017 - Du rör och du dör (feat DJ Lassie)
018 - Vårkänslor
I will! Are you attending as well?
Yep! Sees der! :D
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