T.W.A.T. is finally out with their debut album, as of 26. August. Here comes probably the most unique t.w.i.s.t. of anhalt EBM: oi punk with electro and EBM mixture. We have been following this band ever since the release of the first demo track Battleground in 2008, and it is particularly great to see this band officially alive with an album! Album snippets to be found here, while you read on: http://soundcloud.com/twatoibm/sets/album-snippets/. Or you can just go ahead and buy the album right away here, because it is bloody worth it!

It is in order to compliment T.W.A.T. for not being afraid to do something entirely unique. The usage of unusual synth sounds in each track has never been heard of in EBM before. Both vocals are energetic, angry, and "punky", but it is particularly unique to hear female vocals in anhalt EBM used like this: tough and very fitting for this kind of music. Some may recognize the male vocals from EkoBrottsMyndigheten, as Martin is a part of that as well.
T.W.A.T. runs up to you in boots, shouts OI! straight into your face, and leaves no doubt that the punk influence that in the early 80s helped shape the pioneering bands of EBM (DAF and Nitzer Ebb), is forever a part of this genre, and that an even stronger mix of these styles works bloody sweaty well!

If you are looking for something unique, if you like oi punk, or old school EBM, or both, you will not be disappointed! If we were to rate album reviews on this blog, Blood, Sweat and Teargas would receive top rating. OI!!!!!
Hi Fishermang! You say "Blood, Sweat, and Teargas" is "probably one of the most magnificent titles ever" and I admit! Thanks for another great article, we're already looking forward to the CD.
Warm greetings to 1TJ.
Sooorry for my bad English :o)
"admit" is the wrong word! Of course I wanted to say, that I share your opinion about the album's title "Blood, Sweat, and Teargas"
One of the best albums this year. Excellent!!
Nice new design! :)
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