Not only is Equitant the only (to my knowledge) old school EBM/anhalt EBM directed artist from the good old West, the music stands out on its own across all of the industrial and electro body music scene. Monotonic, as always very hard-beating, minimalist and yet often with floating and atmospheric soundscapes on top (which may make one think of newest Signal Aout 42 albums), Equitant stays as unique and great as always has been.
Body Vehement album presents 7 new tracks, and can be purchased here.

1. Body Vehement (Original Mix) - is a hard hitting, yet floating (as mentioned above, ala SA42) experience
2. Body Vehement (Equitant Remix) - is a more monotonic and minimalist version.
3. Let Me Be On feat. Yasmin Gate (Original Mix) - presents magnificent vocals from Yasmin Gate that have always gone so well along Equitant's music. Hard hitting and tough track!
4. Dynamique feat. Lea X (Original Mix) - a slightly softer, more melodic and dreamy through female vocals track, (although it never leaves the basic ground of EBM)
5. Dynamique feat. Bastian (Equitant Remix) - the favorite for Eine Tasse Jäger, this one is again very floating, presenting a male version of vocals. A fantastic experience.
6. Das Menschliche Rennen feat. Illumine Concrete (Original Mix) and
7. Das Menschliche Rennen feat. Illumine Concrete (Equitant Remix) both are more monotonic typical Equitant tracks that fit in nicely with the rest of the album.
Equitant's Body Vehement shows off his expertise: taking electronic music to it's raw basics, adding a personal touch of hard beats and bass, creating unique melodies and synth tracks with a strong punch, and then either letting them stay monotonic and hard, or adding a layer of atmosphere that not only makes you want to stomp around and dance, but also may let you dream away. This is what Equitant does best and what makes him stand out in industrial/techno/EBM/Oldschool-EBM scene.
Now someone, please, arrange for Equitant to finally come and play in Europe!
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