Sunday 14 June 2009

More ebm for free: Batch ID and Groupe T

Farther promoting the free EBM, presented by the bands themselves.

Batch ID have uploaded their first release "Testosterone" to celebrate their 1 year birthday, for free both on and the marvellous Piratebay. Happy birthday Batch ID! You can download it song by song here or, if you have Utorrent or a similar program, download it directly from The Pirate Bay right here.

Farther, there is Groupe T, which isn't entirely old school EBM, but rather a mix of noise and Feindflug-like music. However, their last release is dedicated to Front 242, which must be the best homage to this legendary band that has ever been made. Listen for yourself! You can find legal downloads to their whole discography, (which is whole 6 albums) on their myspace page. Scroll below on the left side till you see Group T Online Discography links. The Front 242 homage can be downloaded here.